Frequently asked questions
What do you need from me after I have made my purchase?
For any service for Dodge Srt-4 or Hemi car/truck, I will need your original backup tune off your DiabloSport tool or HP Tuners tune and some info about your car. After you have made your purchase, please go to the Tune Form page, fill out the sheet as completely as possible and attach your original backup tune.
How do I get my HpTuner’s tune?
Download VCM Suit from HpTuner.com. Use VCM Editor to read and save a copy of your PCM’s Tune. Check out this How To Video
How do I export my Original Backup tune from my DiabloSport tool?
NOTE: You must first have a tune flashed to your vehicle to prompt the Diablo to Save a copy of your PCM’s Backup tune.
This procedure is different depending on whether you have an InTune/Trinity 2 or Predator/T1000 Trinity.
Predator/T1000 Trinity
Install DiabloSport software DS Downloader to your PC
Getting your original backup file:
Click “Get Tune File from Tool” in DS Downloader and then click “Yes”. Make sure you pay attention to where this file is saved as well, keep the name & the file extension intact.Getting your Last Tune Written file (Your tool must have written a tune file to your vehicle for this step to work): Click “Get Tune File from Tool”, and then click “No”. Make sure you pay attention to where this file is saved as well, keep the name & the file extension intact.
InTune/Trinity 2/Predator 2:
Getting your original backup or last tune written from InTune, T2 to your PC is much easier.
The Trinity 2, InTunes and Predator 2 all act just like a USB flash drive once it’s connected to your PC with its USB cable.
Browse the file explorer and locate the Diablo’s drive & locate the ”Tunes” folder on your PC.
COPY/PASTE your “Original Backup” tune file from the TUNES folder onto your PC’s desktop. From there you can attach it to an email
What Parameters(PIDs) should I datalog?
For general datalogging, use the PIDs and procedure list in this PDF. For a more thorough list required when tuning PCM Boost Control Boost by Gear on your Srt-4, use these PID.